Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nosy old geezers../love

fortunately their focus is on Uncle :D lolz, sorry Uncle it is better that the focus is on you rather than me XD. My grandma came over to my house today, she was talking bout how my Uncle isn't married yet and is worried about him whether he is going to be an old bachelor. Right now I think my Uncle is in his late 30s, I am kind of shock that he doesn't have a girlfriend right now. Most of my relatives keep pestering him about whether he is going to get marry and when and yada-yada. My relatives even try to help him set arrange-marriages and introduces their friends' unmarried daughters, still he try to avoid them through a loop. Which is why I think he moved to L.A. to get some peace and quiet from grandma and other pestering relatives. lol. He is living with my grandma's sister and her family where the old auntie try to introduce some nice girls to him but he blatantly said he has a girlfriend back home. What a lie! humm, it got my grandma agitated, she really wants grandkids. But then again, my dad was in his late 30s when he married my mom, their relationship has some rocky bumps but in the end they turned out okay.
My grandma was talking about how the lack of faith my Uncle has for love and marriage. He said he won't get married because he can't find the one and he doesn't want to marry some random lady and have the marriage fall apart with a divorce at hand. It is like he has no hope at all for love--that's so sad. How can he say that when he hasn't even been dating? Not to mention, he hasn't had a girlfriend for the past 3 years or more. Shocker. I am still young, (high school senior) and love can work if you just give it a chance and embrace it. If it doesn't work out, then it just means that you and that particular person are not meant to be together BUT it doesn't mean that you are destined to be lonely. It just means your special someone is out there in the big wide world, you just have to find that person. Kind of like treasure hunting, finding your upmost treasure, you can't expect it to be so easy if it was then everyone would find their special someone without going through such a tedious task of a thing called dating. Hopefully my Uncle will be able to find such a treasure :) there goes my theory about love~ hahah but seriously I don't really know anything bout love though o-o I never had a boyfriend nor fell in love, though i had crushes but once I seen their personality and personas-- it shattered my illusions of them. I read too much mangas/books watch dramas/movies, not all love is perfect sighh..which is why you give your best shot in trying to make it work. If I were Uncle, I would still give love a try, no matter, how many times it fails in the end love always work out in mysterious ways. heheh. But I am too young to be in relationship, too immature but one day when I am ready, I will be giving it my best shot and to woo him~ lol, woo is such an old-fashioned word, guess I am old.
New subject: Tumblr XD
I love my tumblr, it is soo much fun~ I swear I could be on it all day O.O scarryy. So many cute things and of course about my favorite bands~ jrock, visual kei *0* heheh and anything cool/interesting/funny etc. But seriously I need to focus on my schoolwork so I can actually graduate this year, lol, no I am not failing but I could be o-O if I am not too careful.
If you follow me on my tumblr, I will definite follow you :D (as long you're not a creepo anything o-o) But then again, I might spam you alot but hey that's only when i have free time XD or maybe that when I am playing hooky not doing my homework TxT.
Until next time~

Monday, November 7, 2011

Frustration, Life?

11/7/11 Hello (*´;ェ;`*) was just terrible (>_<) . Lol this is such an understatement (。>。<。), I am so at lost in life and its meaning, not only that but also to my surroundings (◎_◎;) . Today, in cooking class, I got into an argument with this one girl (/□\*)・゜. I hate having arguments, they always leave me in a bad mood for the rest of the day..but I swear she was blaming me when it is not my problem, and when I tried to help her nicely, she got all miffy and jerky with me (>.>) super pissed me off. I seriously want to get out my cooking class (┳◇┳), it is so mundane and dreary without any of my good friends, perhaps, I should have taken AP Bio..ehh, nahhh I don't really want any more stress for my senior year, I mean I still got college applications to do (x_x;), holy mackerel i gotta manage my status.
By status I mean, I am in the top 10 of my senior class lolz, it is not that high I am only 10, at the bottom of the rung if I do poorly, I get kick off (TT.TT)I can't let that happen, I mean I don't really have cool officers status from school clubs eg president of Key Club etc. This is pretty much what I got left beside some other clubs that I am somewhat active in...I should have been more active in my school activities. Ahhh, I just hope I get into a good University/College. Wish me luck~
AP Art was better than I expected (*´▽`*) though at times I get lonely ((´д`)). Me and friend N. --we sit in an island far away from our other friends, when sometimes my friend N. has to leave art class because she has a tennis game, superrr saddd and lonely (´A`。)..well there is this one dude that sits diagonal from our group table, I am terrible at making new friends cuz I am superrrah shyy. But now, I think it gotten better? We communicate at least once in a while lolz though I think he likes to talk to N. better cuz she is more approachable I guess? loolz Right now I am doing watercolour on European pears that my teacher brought in from his backyard. Hopefully it can turn out nice ^_^
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ I love winter, however, I just hate going to school on such a cooold day and also if it rains ( TДT) makes it a doubly horrid day. I would love to watch the coldness from a window, sipping my nice hot tea and just relaxing with a good book/manga or just drawing (●´∀`●) hahah What bout you?
~Oh yah, i upgrade this blog, do you like? hmm, I was thinking of changing the template again, it's a bit too girly for me? hahah, i got another post, i was meaning to upload but never got the chance so yah, expect it soon--if i am not forgetful :D Catcha later, gotta sleep (。-ω-)zzz